
For any competitive market, the supply curve is closely related to the()

A. preferences of consumers who purchase products in that market
B. income tax rates of consumers in that market
C. firms’ costs of production in that market
D. interest rates on government bonds


Which of the following is a characteristic of a competitive market()

A. There are many buyers but few sellers
B. Firms sell differentiated products
C. There are many barriers to entry
D. Buyers and sellers are price takers

When buyers in a competitive market take the selling price as given, they are said to be()

A. market entrants
B. monopolists
C. free riders
D. price takers

The provision of public goods gives rise to()

A. no externalities
B. positive externalities
C. negative externalities
D. rivalries in consumption

When goods do not have a price, which of the following primarily ensures that the good is produced()

A. buyers
B. sellers
C. government
D. the market
