When I was young, I___ maps, and I sometimes spent the whole day charting land routes from one point to another()
A. come up with
B. stuck to
C. was obsessed with
D. reached out to
Intellectual property is the property of_____()
A. intellectual activity
B. intellectual creation
C. intellectual involvement
D. intellectual development
International Business refers to any firm that engages in international_____()
A. trade or investment
B. sales
C. mergers & acquisitions
D. product development
Market economy is an economic system in which the interaction of_______ determines the quantity in which goods and services are produced()
A. supply and demand
B. goods and services
C. market and government
D. economy and law
Every month, the Community Services Center offers several lectures on health and fitness_____ introducing people to healthier lifestyles()
A. in hopes of
B. in exchange for
C. in danger
D. at any rate