
Which component in the computer is used to pre-store instruction and data in order to make the program run automatically()

B. Memory
C. IO interface
D. IO device


What does computer instructions refer to()

A sequence of commands to achieve a given task
B. Collection of all commands of a computer
Commands that the computer can recognize and execute
D. High-level programming language statements

Which of the following devices includes an embedded computer inside()

A. Smartphone
B. Desktop computer
C. Laptop computer
D. Server

Which of the following devices does not include a computer()

A. Non-programmable calculator
B. Smartphone
C. Desktop computer
D. Server

一名新的大三的网络实习生将笔记本电脑连接到配线柜中的接入层交换机。配置终端仿真程序后,该名实习生按下 Enter 键,S1_ATC_E2> 提示出现。本可执行哪些操作以更好地保护交换机()

A. 创建标语消息
B. 创建控制台密码
C. 使用 enable secret 命令
D. 使用 service password-encryption 命令
