
色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)要解决的关键问题是如何将MS的真空度降低,以和GC的真空度相匹配。( )


联用技术是将两种或两种以上分析技术相联接,互相补充,从而完成复杂的分析任务。( )

According to Paragraph 5, when one is in the second stage of culture shock, one

A. is polite and gracious to foreigners
B. makes jokes about the host culture
C. finds the native people unsympathetic
D. enjoys the customs of the host culture

A.Give the secretary Janet"s new address and phone number.B.Ask Janet a question

A. Give the secretary Janet"s new address and phone number.
B. Ask Janet a question about his health.
C. Get information about Janet from the secretary.
D. Visit Janet at her new school.

男性,37岁。低热,全身不适,乏力3年,近半年四肢关节肿痛、肌肉酸痛,登3 楼困难,同时在上眼睑、出现红色皮疹,咳嗽,吞咽硬食困难。体检:眼睑周围水肿, 眼睑、鼻梁、面颊、远端指间关节及甲周皮 肤有暗紫色红斑,根据上述检查,给予肾上腺皮质激素治疗,疗程l.5年。患者上述症状无改善,肌无力更加严重,行走困难,但肌酶谱、肌电图均明显好转,此时可能原因与最佳处理是

A. 诊断错误,停用激素治疗
B. 诊断正确,有激素引起肌病可能,激素 减量,继续观察
C. 诊断正确,继续原剂量治疗并加用VCR
D. 诊断正确,激素剂量不够,加大剂量
E. 诊断正确,激素疗程不够,原剂量继续 治疗
