A. promoteaspecialflightprogram
B. recommendlongdistanceflights
C. introducedifferentflights
D. describeanairlinesgroup
A. 在当今世界,社会受到局部或全面损害的程度还是难以确定的。
B. 在当今世界,对社会所造成的任何局部或总体损害都依然未被察觉。
C. 在当今世界,对社会的任何损害,无论是局部的还是全球性的,终究会被察觉出来。
D. 在当今世界,对社会造成的任何破坏,不管从局部看还是从全局来看,都不会不被注意到。
VisionIt could just be your eyes. Make sure that you’ve had them checked and that you’re wearing any necessary corrective lenses.
Screen Glare The light you read by may be too bright for your computer screen. Try to dim the light, and if you need to, get a desk lamp for other work. Also, if possible, move your computer so you aren’t directly underneath a light fixture.
Screen and Head Position
You shouldn’t bend your neck when you read from the screen. That can cause headaches. Your eyeline should be 5 cm to 8 cm below the top of the monitor. The screen should be about an arm’s length away.
First read the following questions.
85. Clear weather is predicted in ____ Chinese cities.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
A. SinceC)By
B. AsforD)With