
The following conversation between a mother and son involves five of the tones shown in the box below. For each statement, write the tone that you think is present. Five tones will be left over.disbelieving joyful nostalgic pessimisticsarcasticself-pitying solemnstraightforwardsympathetic threatening“Please take the garbage out on your way to school this morning.” __1__“Sure, Mom. I’ve been looking forward to that chore allmorning.” __2__“Listen, young man, if you don’t start fulfilling your responsibilities around this house, your father and I will start asking you to pay rent or find your own place.” __3__“Okay, I’ll take the garbage out. But you know it’s noteasy going to school full-time and working twentyhours a week when I’m just getting over a bad case ofthe flu.”___4____“I know, honey, this semester has been an especiallydifficult one for you.”____5___


Match the statement in the first group with the right tone in the second group.

SketchUP(草图大师)单位一般设置为( )。

A. 米
B. 分米
C. 厘米
D. 毫米

橡皮擦工具的作用( )。

A. 删除线段
B. 删除面
C. 移动线段
D. 复制线段

如果一个移动或拉伸操作会产生不共面的表面,SketchUP(草图大师)会将这些表面自动折叠。任何时候你都可以按住( )键,强制开启自动折叠功能。

A. Ctrl
B. Shift
C. Alt
D. Enter
