Features of a good abstracts
A. Self-contained
B. emotional
C. Independent
D. vivid
Two principles of wording of abstracts proposed by EI are:
A. Try to be logic
B. Limit the abstract to new information
C. Trive for brevity0
D. Use academic words
Choose the elements of abstracts
A. Background
B. Aim
C. Methods
D. Results
E. Conclusion
Three parts of an abstracts are
A. Development
B. Methods
C. Introduction
D. Conclusion
A. 多数器官受交感、副交感神经双重支配
B. 交感、副交感神经的作用往往是拮抗的
C. 交感神经兴奋时,常伴有胰岛素分泌
D. 交感神经分布较副交感神经广泛