(T/F) Widely acknowledged smart and intelligent people will not make poor decisions.
(T/F) Studying and observing before making a choice will avoid making errors.
A. 对
B. 错
(T/F) Poor generalisations may often lead to a biased way of thinking.
A. 对
B. 错
(T/F) If we are careful and precise enough, we will not make a wrong choice.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 愆期(qiān) 垝垣(huán) 孔疚(jiù) 尔卜尔筮(shì) 熏陶渐染(jiān)
B. 涉淇(qí) 夙兴夜寐(sù) 咎言(jiū) 自我徂尔(cù) 匪夷所思(fěi)
C. 不遑(huánɡ) 象弭(mǐ) 归聘(pìn) 雨雪霏霏(yù) 风靡一时(mí)
D. 桑葚(shèn) 棠棣(dì) 嗟叹(jiē) 咥其笑矣(diē) 载歌载舞(zài)