

A. 面罩吸氧
B. 产妇左侧卧位.等待自然分娩
C. 加宫缩抑制剂缓解宫缩
D. 立即剖宫产
E. 待宫口开全.阴道助产缩短第二产程



A. 直肠
B. 乙状结肠
C. 脾曲
D. 横结肠
E. 升结肠


A. 一种病理的信念
B. 内容与客观现实不符合
C. 具有自我卷人的特征
D. 受教育越高越易出现妄想
E. 内容与文化背景不符

When most people think about changing their body shape,they usually focus on just losing weight. Books and magazines about dieting are among the most popular in the world. Dieting is an important part of staying fit and healthy,but losing weight by means of dieting takes time;losing weight too fast can cause great health problems. Dieting means changing ones eating habits to a healthier pattern,but many women mistake the concept of dieting and think that the less one eats,the better. As a result,they lose health as well as weight. Aerobic exercise is a moderate intensity workout that, over a certain period of time,will improve the bodys use of oxygen. Nowadays aerobic exercise has become a very trendy workout among youths. Not only is performing aerobic exercise interesting, but it is also very beneficial for health. There are different types of aerobics like jogging,swimming,kickboxing,fitness walking,inline skating,bicycling,etc. Aerobics strengthens the heart and lungs. It is also especially popular with women. But neither of these two methods,dieting and aerobics,can help shape the body. To do this you need to build muscle. So, if a firmer and shapelier body is your goal,60 percent of your exercise routine should involve strengthening moves,and only 30 percent should be aerobic exercises. For a proper body-shaping routine,you should plan three strength-training sessions a week with weights. Use weights which are as heavy as possible while still allowing you to do 8 to 12 reps of each exercise. Do one to three exercises for each muscle groups-for example,chest and biceps,or back, shoulders and triceps. You should combine this with fast-paced aerobics activities,like swimming,cycling,walking,running, or in-line skating, plan three to four workouts a week, 15 to 20 minutes each,increasing the pace each week. As you build muscle,you may find that you gain weight in spite of all of your calorie-burning exercise. Dont worry. Its probably muscle, which is denser than fat. And muscle is also a calorie-burning tissue. With more muscle,you can burn more calories, even when you are not exercising. When you are trying to build muscle,you need two to three serving of protein a day,but the main part of your diet should be carbohydrates. And in order to get the energy you need for a high-intensity workout, you should eat something,especially carbohydrates,an hour or so before your workout. While weight training will firm and shape your body.it has other benefits too. It improves bone and muscle strength and burns calories,leading to improved health and a higher quality of life.
Which of the following is NOT true about dieting?

A. Dieting is about changing one"s eating habits.
B. Dieting does not necessarily mean eating less than one used to.
C. Dieting does not necessarily mean losing weight.
D. Losing weight is bound to cause great health problems.


A. 青霉素静脉注射
B. 地西泮(安定)静脉注射
C. 苯妥英钠肌注
D. 异巴比妥钠肌注
E. 20%甘露醇静滴
