

A. 消防站主要按占地和装备状况划分为三级:一级消防站:拥有6~7辆车辆,占地 3000m2左右,二级消防站:拥有4~5辆车辆,占地2500m2左右
B. 消防站的服务半径,按在接警5分钟后,消防队可达到责任区的边缘为准,其责任区的面积以4—7km2为宜
C. 消防站应与医院、小学、托幼等人流集中的建筑保持30m以上距离
D. 消防站应位于责任区的中心,且应设于诸如城市干道一侧或十字路口附近等交通便利之处
E. 沿街建筑应设连接街道和内院的通道,其间距不大于80m。消防道路宽度应大于等于 3.5m,净空高度不应小于4.0m,尽端式消防道的回车场尺度应大于等于15m×15m


Evaluating employee performance is a key area of management skills. The challenge is to give the employees an accurate picture of their accomplishments, and of the areas in which they need to improve. Both are important: accomplishments because they give the employee a sense of pride in the work and a basis on which to build future achievements, and areas for improvement, because they give the employee some goal to reach for.
Often, employees fear that the evaluation will be a negative experience. This fear alone can result in defensiveness and tension. The manager must take pains to lessen the employees fear and make the evaluation a participatory(参与的)event. An employee who contributes ideas to his or her evaluation will be much more likely to agree with the outcome and be willing to follow the suggestions.
The employee evaluation system is to improve employee performance. While areas needing improvement must be reviewed, this should always be done in the spirit of discovering goals the employee can work toward. This holds true for reviewing successes as well. While praise for past achievements may be used as a reward, at the time of the evaluation, the primary reason to look at the persons success is to determine areas in which he or she can continue to excel(擅长).
Perhaps the most effective way to make the evaluation a participatory event is to ask the employee to come prepared to the meeting. The employer and employee each should carefully review the job description prior to the evaluation meeting and should make notes on areas in which the employee had difficulty or has made a contribution. It is important that these notes be specific; "Does a good job" is not nearly as meaningful as "Increased productivity(生产率) by 35%".
Both parties should also draw up a short list of goals for the employee to achieve during the next evaluation period. Ideally, these goals should build upon the known strengths and successes of the employee. However, areas needing improvement must also be addressed.
According to the passage, employees being evaluated ______.

A. are often those who have newly obtained the job
B. often feel fearful and anxious
C. often have the feeling of being looked down upon
D. are often proud and confident

A.People's interest in how languages began.B.Languages today and past.C.The important

A. People's interest in how languages began.
B. Languages today and past.
C. The important language families.
D. The English language in constant change.

A.People all over the world.B.Two billion people.C.Two and a half million people.D.Hal

A. People all over the world.
B. Two billion people.
C. Two and a half million people.
D. Half the people in the world.

听力原文: The media is a general word for radio, television, film, newspapers, magazines and books. These are all ways to communicate with a large number of people in a very short time. Since the arrival of radio, and television in particular, the world has been getting smaller.
Today by using satellites which go round the Earth, television can reach about 2.5 billion people. An international sports event like the Olympic Games is sent live into the homes of half the people in the world. News pictures of wars and disasters such as earthquakes are seen immediately by people in safe, comfortable homes on the other side of the world. This can change the way people act and think—it can even change the way governments act. For example, in the sixties the terrible news pictures from Vietnam turned the American people against the war there, and in the end the U.S. government had to bring home the troops.

A. Radio.
B. Television.
C. Newspapers.
D. Books and magazines.
