
Probably 95% of the white bread sold in the United States is enriched with thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, and iron, and about 30% of the 50 states have laws requiring white bread enrichment. Formerly, calcium and vitamin D were frequently added to enriched bread, but lack of consumer demand and questionable nutritional benefit led to gradual phasing out of these enrichments. India has attempted to encourage consumption of protein-enriched bread, with some success. Except for research projects, little has been done in other countries, however. In areas where bakery products comprise a large proportion of the diet, they could provide an ideal vehicle for nutritional supplementation. The need for better quality protein in the daily diet occurs mostly in the developing countries, where carbohydrate foods -- usually cereals -- are the basic components of the diet and therefore the logical protein carriers.
Japan is used in this passage to illustrate a trend in many countries which is to______

A. enrich bread
B. invest more in food industry
C. increase consumption of bakery foods
D. increase reliance on rice and grains


What did the Russian police do to prevent the disease from further spreading?

A. They boosted road checks.
B. They killed the migrating birds.
C. They stopped the transportation to Siberia.
D. They withdrew from the infected village.


A. brought up
B. brought about
C. brought by
D. brought in

听力原文: Higher air fares looked more likely Friday as American Airlines, Northwest Airlines and JetBlue Airways went along with competitors' increases that the companies said were necessary to offset rising fuel prices. Airline stocks skidded after a three-week surge pushed the price of crude oil near a record of $67 a barrel during the day, taking jet fuel prices along with it. Airlines have already raised prices several times this year. The latest round of increases began Wednesday night with United Airlines, a unit of UAL Corp. , Delta Air Lines Inc. and Continental Airlines Inc. They were followed Thursday by U.S. Airways Group Inc.
What was the price of a barrel of crude oil on Friday?

A. $67.
B. $57.
C. $65.
D. $76.


A. for the sake of
B. in line with
C. at the risk of
D. in case of
