
Which description could conclude the tricks listed in the passage?

A. Empty red envelopes.
B. Redeem promotions of products.
C. No actual discount issued.
D. Refund difficulties.


____ is/arenotsuggestedto keep as evidence of online shopping appeals in this passage.

A. Screenshots of promotion advertisements
B. Conversation records with retailers
C. Purchasing history
D. Shopping lists

The following descriptions are the features of either Black Friday or Double 11. Please match the statements with the corresponding shopping carnival in the blanks.Black Friday ()Double 11 ()A. the day after Thanksgiving DayB.the peak of E-commerce around the year in AmericaC.evolved into an unofficial holiday for single peopleD.has something to do with credit in keeping accountsE. turned into a shopping festival by AlibabaF. originated from a joke due to intense traffic jamG. more lucrative in profit



A. 文化差异
B. 时间压力
C. 重购成本
D. 购买压力
