长篇小说《苦难的历程》由《两姐妹》《一九一八年》和( )三部分组成。
A. 《粮食》
B. 《阴暗的早晨》
C. 《伊凡雷帝》
( )主要描写彼得大帝一生的业绩及其对俄国的贡献,展现了俄国17世纪末18世纪初宏伟壮阔的生活图景和历史事件。
A. 《伊凡·苏达廖夫的故事》
B. 《彼得大帝》
C. 《伊凡雷帝》
Anna Marie Quindlen is the following except _______.
A. journalist
B. playwright
C. opinion columnist
D. critic
Which one of the following novels is not mentioned in the text?
A. Lord of the Flies
B. Robinson Crusoe
C. To Kill a Mockingbird
D. Little Princess
Anna Marie Quindlen is a critic of the fast-paced and increasingly materialistic nature of modern American life.
A. 对
B. 错