A tailwind will ______ the flight times while a headwind will increase them.
A. short
B. shorted
C. shorten
D. shortened
The point of no return is the point on a flight at which a plane has just enough fuel, plus any mandatory reserve, to return to the airfield from which it ______.
A. departed
B. passed
C. arrived
D. reached
The Equal Time Point is the point in the flight where it would take the same time to continue flying straight, or track back to the ______ aerodrome.
A. arriving
B. departure
C. destination
D. alternate
Commercial aircraft are not allowed to operate along a route that is out of range of a suitable place to land if an ______ such as an engine failure occurs.
A. accident
B. incident
C. urgency
D. emergency
The ETP calculations serve as a planning strategy, so flight crew always have an option in an emergency event, allowing a safe ______ to their chosen alternate.
A. diversion
B. divert
C. diverge
D. divergence