
根据以下资料回答 126~130 题。
2009年度全国旅行社营业收入为1 806.53亿元,同比增长8.64%;毛利润总额为134.36亿元,毛利率为7.44%;净利润总额为11.48亿元,净利润为0.64%。
2009年度全国旅行社的旅游业务营业收入为1 745.59亿元,同比增长8.87%;旅游业务毛利润为120.27亿元,旅游业务毛利率为6.89%;实缴税金为12.69亿元,同比增长12.37%;外汇结汇10.51亿美元,同比减少11.24%;全国促销费支出为6.76亿元,同比增长13.87%。
根据以上材料,回答 126~130 题
第 126 题 2008年度全国旅行社入境旅游业务营业收入约为多少亿元?()


某企业2007年10月进行清算,全部资产价值500 元,清算费用20万元,全部负债 300万元,未分配利润10 元,资本公积40万元,注册资本金120万元。该企业清算时应缴纳企业所得税()万元。

A. 2.7
B. 3.3
C. 6.6
D. 9.9



You want to upgrade a Windows NT Server 4.0 computer to Windows 2000 Server. The system partition uses the FAT file system.
You start the Setup program by starting the computer from the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM.
However, you receive the following error message, "You chose to install Windows 2000 on a partition that contains another operating system. Installing Windows 2000 on this partition might cause the operating system to function improperly".
You are unable to perform. the upgrade. What should you do to resolve the problem?

A. Convert the system partition to NTFS.
B. Disable Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) support for the computer.
C. Restart the computer, and then run Winnt32.exe from the Windows NT Server 4.0 environment.
D. Remove the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM and restart the computer by using the setup floppy disks.
