
找出以下情况下的总供给曲线: a.生产函数为Q=3LK,劳动需求为LD=10—2w/P,劳动供给为Ls=4w/P,经济的资本存量固定于K=4的水平。 b.a中所得到的总供给曲线所代表的是古典状况、基本凯恩斯学派状况,还是极端凯恩斯学派状况? c.如果名义工资固定在3,那么a和b的答案会有什么变化? Find the aggregate supply curve when a.The production function is Q=3LK,labor demand is LD=10—2w/P,labor supply is LS=4w/P.and capital stock in the economy is fixed at K=4. b.Is the aggregate supply curve you derived in(a)representative of the classical,basic Keynesian,or extreme Keynesian cases? c.How would your answers to(a)and(b)change if the nominal wage were fixed at 3?


劳动的边际生产率(marginal productivity of labor)

假定A国对最终产品的需求很稳定,B国的需求则变动很大。根据平滑生产的存货理论,哪一国有可能出现较高的存货投资? Suppose thalt country A has a’very stable demand for final products.while country B’s demandvaries significantly.According to the production—smoothing theory of in’ventories.which country is likely to haVe higher inventory investment?

持久收入(permanent income)

在两时期模型的框架内,试考虑每个时期收入完全相等的两个家庭。由于偏好不同,家庭1储蓄100美元,而家庭2则储蓄1000美元。如果利率提高。哪一个家庭更有可能增加储蓄?为什么? In the framework of the two—period model,consider two households which receive exactly thesame income in each period.Because of differences in preferences,however,household 1 saves$1 00 whereas household 2 saves $ 1,000.Which household is more likely to increase its savings if the interest rate rises?Why?
