A. 成8°
B. 成15°
C. 成30°
D. 在同一平面内
Which statement is TRUE concerning the gooseneck().
A. It is a sailing maneuver which brings the vessel's head through the wind
B. It connects the boom to the mast and allows the boom to swing freely
C. It is a sailing condition where there is a loss of air flow over the sails
D. None of the above
A. 通常零散税收可按行业进行分类后,分别设置若干户头
B. 一个分局只能设置一个零星税收户头
C. 一个分局最多只能设置10个零星税收户头
D. 其他三个选项都不正确
A. 供油开始角和喷油提前角
B. 供油开始角和供油提前角
C. 供油提前角和喷油提前角
D. 喷油提前角和点火提前角