壶腹周围癌 ( )根据题干回答下面的题目下列各种震颤,最常见于何种疾病?胸骨左缘第2肋间触及收缩期震颤 ( )
A. 肿大胆囊呈囊性感,并有明显压痛
B. 胆囊肿大呈囊性感,无压痛
C. 胆囊肿大,有实性感
D. 右上腹压痛,Murphy征(一)
E. 胆囊显著肿大,黄疸渐进加深,但无压痛
I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, (), and that the individual’ highest fulfillment, greatest happiness, and the widest usefulness are to be found in living()his will.
A. named by whatever name; in harmony with
B. named by whoever name; in harmony to
C. naming by however name; in harmonious with