

A. 有效利用社区资源
B. 有效利用家庭资源
C. 建立良好的人际关系
D. 提供家庭所需的保健指导,改善生活环境和生活方式
E. 解除陌生感



A. 消费者对消费者
B. 企业对消费者
C. 企业对企业
D. 企业对政府



You are the Exchange administrator of the Xxx Corporation’s Exchange 2010 organization.You need to retrieve all messages from Ann’s mailbox that have the word "classified" in the message body and the subject of "New Project." The message may be either in the Calendar or Inbox folders. What should you do?()

A. Use the Exchange Management Console to create a recovery storage group
B. Use the Exchange Management Shell to create a recovery storage group
C. Use the Exchange Management Console to create a recovery database
D. Use the Exchange Management Shell to create a recovery database
E. Use the Restore-Mailbox cmdlet to restore only messages that the word "classified" in the message body and the subject of "New Project"
F. Use the Export-Message cmdlet to restore only messages that the word "classified" in the message body and the subject of "New Project"
