A. 分生区
B. 伸长区
C. 根毛区
D. 根冠
You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization. Company policy states that a copy of a users mailbox must be kept for one year after the user leaves the company. All user accounts are in an organizational unit (OU) named OU1. A compliance administrator plans to export the mailboxes to personal folders. You need to recommend a solution that allows the compliance administrator to meet the requirements ofthe company policy. What should you include in the solution?()
A. a new management role assignment
B. delegated permissions to OU1
C. managed folder mailbox policies
D. new Personal Archive
胡锦涛总书记在中国共产党第十七届中央纪律检查委员会第三次全体会议上讲话强调,必须坚持不懈地加强领导干部党性修养,使各级领导干部始终保持共产党人的政治本色,发扬党的光荣传统和优良作风,树立和坚持正确的事业观、工作观、政绩观,以良好的作风带领广大党员、群众迎难而上、锐意改革、共克时艰。树立和坚持正确的“三观”,必须()。 ①坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨 ②贯彻落实科学发展观 ③加强党的执政能力建设 ④把党的主张上升为国家意志
A. ①②③
B. ①③④
C. ②③④`
D. ①②④