

A. 渲染、活跃餐厅气氛
B. 方便顾客选用食品
C. 扩大产品销售
D. 便于控制出品质量


Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that gointothe collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo.One of the questions that is always asked of me is 1 I became an animal collector in the first 2.The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos.According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any 3 was not the conventional “mamma” or “daddy”,4 the word “zoo”, which I would 5 over and over again with a shrill 6 until someone, ingroupsto 7 me up, would take me to the zoo.When I 8 a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great 9 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time 10 the countryside in search of fresh specimens to 11 to my collection of pets.12 on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student 13 , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches,14 were not easy to keep at home.When I left, I 15 had enough money of my own to be able to 16 my first trip and I have been going 17 ever since then.Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of 18 ,it is certainly a job which will appeal 19 all those who love animals and 20. 请在17处填上正确答案()

A. normally
B. regularly
C. usually
D. ofte

"2009年10月28日上海银行发放一笔单位委托贷款,其中甲方为委托方,乙方为借款方,贷款金额为3000万元,利率为6.96%,按季结息,手续费为60万元。甲方、乙方均在上海银行开立结算账户。(会计分录中涉及单位结算账户的需写明单位名称,即甲方、乙方) (1)请写出上海银行发放该笔委托贷款的会计分录。 (2)请写出收取手续费的会计分录。 (3)请写出第一次结息的会计分录。

一般资料:求助者,女性,34岁,本科文化,无业。 案例介绍:求助者的女儿出生后体弱多病,经常需要看病、吃药。为照顾女儿求助者辞职。求助者一直认为孩子爱生病与怀孕时丈夫的婚外情导致自己情绪不好有直接关系。觉得自己对不起孩子,担心孩子的身体。求助者觉得丈夫对不起自己,觉得自己没有本事,觉得自己倒霉,感到生活没有意义,情绪较为低落。无心做其他事情。不愿意与朋友们交往,与家人的来往明显减少。求助者有时也觉得应该高兴起来,好好过日子,但就是难以控制自己的情绪。曾经想轻生,但放心不下女儿。在家人多次劝说下前来咨询。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者性格内向、文静,从小生活优越,没有经受过大的挫折。孩子6岁,一直体弱多病。求助者平素身体健康,现在无业。 如果考虑该求助者为抑郁神经症,在病程上至少应该持续()。

A. 2周
B. 2个月
C. 12个月
D. 2年

