

A. 及时切除子宫制止出血
B. 迅速建立静脉通道
C. 密切观察出血量及监测生命体征
D. 立即平卧位、吸氧、保暖
E. 遵医嘱给予宫缩剂,配合子宫按摩



A. use
B. serve
C. served
D. used

The writer of Advice 5 tries to tell the blogger______.

A. that he likes to use alarm clocks to wake up
B. that he himself has difficulty waking up early
C. to search the web for a lot of tricks, one of which is greatly recommended
D. to keep on finding the right answer

Among all the advice, which of the following two have divergent ideas?

Advice 1 and Advice 2.
B. Advice 3 and Advice 4.
C. Advice 4 and Advice 5.
D. Advice 2 and Advice 4.

It is implied in Advice 2 that______.

A. one alarm clock is not reliable
B. two alarm clocks should be set to wake you up
C. the blogger didn"t use the alarm clock properly
D. the blogger went to bed too late
