A. 吸氧
B. 立即行剖宫产术
C. OCT试验
D. 人工破膜
E. 不干预
F. 静脉滴注葡萄糖+缩宫素10U
You have a trunk link operating between two switches and you’re experiencing problems withframes leaking between the two VLANs. Each switch has identical modules, software revisionsand VLAN configuration information. Spanning tree protocol is disabled on all VLANs. What isprobably causing this problem?()
A. The link is using IEEE 802.1Q protocol
B. The link is using IEEE 802.1E protocol
C. Spanning tree is disabled
D. Not enough information to determine
E. The native VLAN information is identical at each end of the link
F. The native VLAN information is different at each end of the link