
以下有关信息编码的说法中不正确的是( )

A. 字符需要编码机器才能识别
B. 汉字需要编码机器才能识别
C. 十进制数不需要编码机器能直接识别
D. 字母需要编码机器才能识别


国标码将汉字分为两级,其中第一级汉字的排列顺序是( )

A. 按笔画顺序
B. 按拼音字母顺序
C. 按部首顺序
D. 按大小顺序

Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.When do people come into your life “for a reason”?

A. When they know you well.
B. When you need them in life.
C. When you can support their career.
D. When they are willing to listen to your troubles.

Who will end the friendship with the person that is in your life for a reason?

A. The person himself.
B. You.
C. Neither you nor the person.
D. Both you and the person.

What does a “friend for a season” mean?

A. Someone who is good at making you laugh.
B. Someone who teaches you how to have fun.
C. Someone who will stay in your life for a short time.
D. Someone who comes into your life only for fun.
