
The creation of Virgin Cola, Virgin Air, Virgin Rail and Virgin Bride is an example of____()

A. brand stretching
B. brand loyalty
C. brand awareness
D. brand equity


You can get the DS-2019 from _____()

A. the university you are now in
B. the university you want to be a visiting scholar in
C. a US consulate
D. the US embassy

What kind of elements of the audience are essential in affecting an oral presentation’s organization and content()

A. Education
B. Age and gender
C. Size of the audience
D. Age, gender, education and size of the audience

The following methods can serve as support when you write a paragraph except for ______()

A. statistics
B. examples
C. statements by authorities
D. argumentation

有NH4NO2分解得氮气和水,在23℃,95549.5Pa条件下,用排水集气法收集到57.5 cm3氮气。已知水的饱和蒸汽压为2813.1Pa,则干燥后氮气的体积为()

A. 55.8
B. cm3
C. B.27.9
D. cm3
E. C.46.5
F. cm3
G. D.18.6
H. cm3
