
8 Which of the following related statements is correct()

A. The 1st carbon atom of pentose is connected to the 9th nitrogen atom of purine to form a l,9-glycosidic bond
B. Dehydration between the free hydroxyl group of pentose sugar in nucleoside and phosphoric acid generates nucleotides through condensation of phosphoester bond
C. Both deoxyribonucleoside and ribonucleoside can form 2′-3′- or 5′-ribonucleotide
D. 5′-nucleotides are mostly free in organisms


The characteristics of the secondary structure of tRNA molecules are()

A. There is poly A at the 3’end
B. C-C-A at the 5’end
C. There is a password ring
D. Has an amino acid arm

Which of the following methods can be used to isolate DNA()

A. Salt extraction
B. Cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation
C. Electrophoresis
D. Heating precipitation

Regarding the tertiary structure of DNA, which of the following statements are correct()

A. The tertiary structure of A DNA is a supercoiled structure formed on the basis of secondary structure
B. The double-stranded DNA of B prokaryotic DNA is entangled in histones to form nucleosomes
C. Histones involved in the formation of nucleosomes include five subunits: H1, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4
D. The formation of supercoiled structure compressed the length of DNA in the nucleus by nearly ten thousands time

Which of the following statements about the Watson-Crick DNA double helix structure model is wrong()

A. The direction of the two single chains is anti-parallel
Base A and G pair
Covalent bonding between bases
D. The pentose phosphate backbone is located inside the double helix
