
M: No, I haven't. But I don't like fish very much anyway.
W: Not to worry'. Although it's made primarily from fish, it actually doesn't have a fishy taste. Itl fact it can be flavored with tomato, cheese, or chocolate for instance.
M: How could it not taste fishy? Do you know how this snack food is made?
W: First, the fish is minced, cooked and fermented, then water and starch are added to make a dough.
M: It sounds awful.
W: Actually the dough is very bland at that point. So flavorings are added to give it some taste.
M: Well, it still sounds a Little strange. I suppose this product will at least, be low calorie and high protein, like a health food?
W: Yes, you could call it that, and it has a long shelf life, so it won't spoil quickly. It is also easy to digest and can be made from the type of fish that usually aren't eaten, or, from high grade fish byproducts.
M: Mh—have you got any samples? I alight be willing to try the cheese-flavored variety.
W: No. None of these seems to be available yet. As I understand, this fish snack food probably won't be in the stores for another couple of years. So you have a while to get used to the whole idea.
M: A couple of years, ha? It may just take me that long, but thanks for telling me about it.

A. Its variety of colors.
B. Its unusual texture.
C. The way it is sold.
D. Its main ingredient.


A.He no longer believes short-range forecasts.B.He is so fascinated that he decides to

A. He no longer believes short-range forecasts.
B. He is so fascinated that he decides to study meteorology.
C. He realizes that there is some value in long-range forecasting.
D. He decides to change his forecast.

听力原文:M: Janet's quite enthusiastic about camping, isn't she?
W: Yes, she often goes for weeks at a time.
Q: What does the woman say about Janet?

A. She hasn't gone camping for several weeks.
B. She likes to take long camping trips.
C. She prefers not to go camping on weekend.
D. She takes a long time to plan her trips.

A.One hundred years ago.B.Two hundred years ago.C.Hundreds of years ago.D.Thousands of

A. One hundred years ago.
B. Two hundred years ago.
C. Hundreds of years ago.
D. Thousands of years ago.

AIA's aim is to help green the hospitals all over America.

A. Y
B. N
