
Task 5 Translate the sentences. Key words and phrases are in brackets.1.Agreement has been given for these to be circulated on the strict understanding that they are only used for one-to-one communication and will not be used for mass communication or for any other purpose. (单独沟通,挪作他用)2.Our staff will be happy to help you register and assist you with any questions. (登记,协助)3.您能在日程计划中把我们的会面安排在下星期二的下午吗? (schedule,arrange)4.随信附上5,000元的支票一张。 (enclose)5.2014年的这场年会引发了一场非常热烈的争论。 (annual meeting, generate)


When will the 24th Olympic Witer Game be held?

What’s the emblem of this winter Olympic Games?

Where will the opening ceremony be held?

Where will the 24th Olympic Witer Game be held?
