Which of the following is the most famous work of NathanielHawthorne?
A. The House of Seven Gables
B. Mosses from an Old Manse
C. The Blithedale Romance
D. The Scarlet Letter
Which is NOT the character in the book The Scarlet Letter?
A. Hester
B. Pearl
C. Dimmersdale
D. Chigarkgook
Which is NOT the theme of the book The Scarlet Letter?
A. It is a praisal of Hester’s sinning
B. It is a hymn of moral growth of Hester after being sinned against
C. Hester makes her efforts to keep her hold on the magic chain of humanity
D. The best policy for man is to be honest and true and ready to show one’s worst to the outside world.
A. 红细胞生成减少、造血功能不良
B. 红细胞生成减少、造血功能不良及红细胞破坏过多3类
C. 红细胞生成减少、红细胞破坏过多和失血3类
D. 红细胞生成减少、红细胞过度破坏、失血及造血功能不良
E. 红细胞生成减少、溶血、失血、再生障碍、缺铁5类
A. 血红蛋白先上升
B. 网织红细胞先上升
C. 出现幼红细胞
D. 出现幼粒细胞
E. 血红蛋白与网织红细胞同时上升