A. 自营站
B. 代办站
C. 招呼站
D. 一级站
A. 65元
B. 50元
C. 75元
D. 70元
When I visited【B8】______last summer,
A. Japan
B. China
C. Korea
D. Thailand
Our words are meaningless and cannot be distinguished from their opposites, as can be proved by an example. People think that they know the difference between the meanings of "bald" and "having hair. " Suppose an average person twenty-one years of age has N hairs on his or her head. We say that that person is not bald but has hair. But surely one hair less would make no difference, and a person with N-l hairs on his or her head would be said to have hair. Suppose we kept on, with one hair less each time. The result would be the same. But what would be the difference between someone who had one hair and someone who had none? We call them both bald. Nowhere can we make a distinction between " bald" and "having hair. " Which of the following statements best counters the argument above?
A. The word "bald" can be translated into other languages.
B. A word can have more than one meaning.
C. A word such as "cat" can be applied to several animals that differ in some respects.
D. Words can lack precision without being meaningless.
E. People cannot think clearly without using words.
(一)某人包用一辆5吨的普通货车运一批货物。车辆在下午2:20到达指定地点交给包车人,到下午4:40分,包车人完成运输任务并把车交还车主。根据双方约定,车辆每行驶一小时按20公里的路程计算,而一普通货物长途运价率是0.3元/吨公里。据此,请回答: 此项运输的包车费用是按_______运价率计算的。
A. 吨公里运价率
B. 车公里运价率
C. 小时运价率
D. 吨位小时运价率