志愿服务是培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观的重要载体,也是大学生投身崇德向善的道德实践。志愿服务的精神是( )。
A. 奉献;
B. 友爱;
C. 互助;
D. 进步。
大学生弘扬志愿精神、积极投身志愿服务活动,书写好新时代雷锋故事,应着重在( )上功夫:
A. 专业化;
B. 精准化;
C. 常态化;
D. 口头化。
Things in the supermarkets are_______.
A. cheaper
B. more expensive
C. better
D. more
Which is not the advantage of online shopping?
A. Save money.
B. Easy and quick.
C. Paying over the Internet isn’t always safe.
D. You can compare the prices of the same product.