What does “register”(Line 2, paragraph 5) refer to?
A. book in
B. record
C. show
D. express
According to the author, why is it said that words in themselves don’t carry the meaning?
A. Because language bears the characteristic ofarbitrariness (任意性).
Because it is well known that the forms oflinguisticsigns bear no natural relationship to their meanings.
C. Because the author intends to emphasize the fact that word meaning comes not only from its literalusagebut also from the cultural context.
D. Because words are usually attributed to the specific meaning and interpreted differently from person to person.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUEaccording to the reading passage?
A. Language barrieris adirect resultfromMr. Hartmann’s businessfailurein America.
B. As culture and language are inseparable, cultural literacy should be highly valued in communicating across cultures.
C. In the context of American English,“How are you?”should be culturallyinterpretedas a greeting rather than a question.
D. Germans and Americans have a culturally different way toaddresspeople.
从汇水面积最远点到达第1个雨水口的时间称为( )。
A. 汇水时间t1
B. 流行时间t1
C. 降雨历时t1
D. 地面集水时间t1
雨水管渠系统主要由( )、( )、( )、( )等组成。