
Safety issues of stem cells are:

A. risk for generation of human embryos & human-animal chimeras
B. unwanted differentiation of the transplanted stem cells & their potential to suppress anti-tumor immune response
C. concern regarding the immunogenicity of iPSCs
D. Stem cells may generate new blood vessels that may promote tumor growth & metastasis.


Ethical concerns with human ESCs are:

A. Since harvesting ESCs necessitates destroying the embryo from which those cells are obtained, the moral status of the embryo comes into question.
B. Scientists argue that the 5-day old mass of cells is too young to achieve personhood or that the embryo, if donated from an IVF clinic (which is where labs typically acquire embryos from), would otherwise go to medical waste anyway. (The 14-day rule is widely adopted).
C. Opponents of ESC research counter that any embryo has the potential to become a human, therefore destroying it is murder & the embryo must be protected under the same ethical view as a developed human being.
D. Embryonic gene editing causes big debates.


A. unproven & direct-to-consumer marketing of different stem cell interventions
B. resource allocation
C. commercialization
D. privacy


A. undesired differentiation & malignant transformation
B. teratoma formation
C. vector-caused risks in generation of iPSCs
D. unproven stem cell products

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) do not express:

A. CD14
B. CD19
D. CD45
