A. 王某在甲区利用其计算机对乙区的某科研所的计算机信息系统编制干扰程序,结果造成乙区该科研所计算机信息系统瘫痪,对王某的犯罪行为,甲区和乙区人民法院都有刑事管辖权
B. 甲因犯绑架罪被判处有期徒刑13年,在执行第4年时,越狱到W地并在该地抢劫了2起,W地司法机关通过举报发现甲为越狱在逃犯并确认了甲在W地的抢劫事实,后甲被群众扭送回监狱。甲所犯抢劫罪由原服刑地人民法院管辖
C. 中国人甲在A国犯强奸罪,被A国遣送回国后,应当由甲入境地的人民法院管辖
D. 国际贩毒组织主要成员A国人甲从我国广东省N地潜入我国,在四川省的M地被查获,我国对甲行使刑法规定的普遍管辖权时,N地和M地的中级人民法院都有刑事管辖权
SOX is an alternative(66)for XML. It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(67)editor. It is then easily transformed into proper XML. SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal of time with raw XML. For many of us, the popular XML(68)have not reached a point where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(69)language. This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view, albeit enhanced, for editing other languages such as Java. SOX uses(70)to represent the structure of an XML document, which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices. The result is surprisingly clear.
A. semantic
B. pragmatics
C. syntax
D. grammar