
Furthermore,one may even find a (可视电话号码). What is this number for? Video conferencing.


You can imagine videoconferencing as nothing more than a television set or PC monitorwith a camera so that not only your voicebut also your face, the surroundings and anyother graphic and_______(物理图像) can be captured and transmitted throughthe communication system with or withoutwires.

In either case, you see__________-(全动态图片), hear clear voices and work together using the systems’ applicationtools.

By bringing the naturalness and interactivity of_____________(现场会议) to dial-up video conferencing, group systems give geographically-dispersed organizations the power to address issues and opportunities in an expedited fashion, to involve more people in important discussions, and to foster a more open and collaborative working environment.


A. 系带式
B. 拖鞋式
C. 粘扣式
