A. servlet使用结束时
B. 关闭浏览器时
C. 关闭服务端时
D. 重新打开另一个servlet时
Though a heavy responsibility was _______ him at a very early age, he acknowledged it as an important opportunity for growth other than a suffering for him.
A. accepted by
B. admitted by
C. imposed on
D. taken back by
We all ache of pains we choose not to understand, we all wear scars we choose to perfectly ______ and we all battle wars we don’t even realize we’re battling.
A. conceal
B. leave
C. face
D. kill
I ______ myself that an insult from someone else was unfair, and I ended a friendship which brought me harm.
A. committed
B. convinced
C. concealed
D. come to