若有类型定义int k=017,g=21;则下列语句的输出为________.printf("%d,",++k);printf("%x\n",g++);
A. 15,6f
B. 15,71
C. 16,15
D. 17,6f
若x为unsigned int型变量,则执行以下语句后x的值为_________ .x=65535; printf("%d\n",x);
A. -1
B. 无定值
C. 1
D. 65535
若x,y均为int型变量,则执行以下语句后的结果为_________ .x=025;y=0x25;printf("%2d%2d\n",x,y);
A. 1325
B. 1321
C. 2137
D. 1525
执行语句printf("The program's name is c:\tools\book.txt");后的输出是__________ .
A. The program's name is c:\ toolook.txt
B. The program's name is c:\\ tools book.txt
C. The program's name is c: oolook.txt
D. The program's name is c: tools book.txt
若x是int型变量,y是float型变量,所用的scanf调用语句格式为scanf("%d,%f",&x,&y);则为了将数据10和66.6分别赋值给x和y,正确的输入应当是________ .代表回车.
A. x=10〈CR〉y=66.6〈CR〉
B. 10,66.6〈CR〉
C. 66.6,10〈CR〉
D. x=10,y=66.6〈CR〉