
Which of the following answer is NOT appropriate?A: Tonight is no good. Can I take a raincheck?B: _____

A. ONo problem.
B. Sure. Let's do it some other time.
C. No, you can't.


Which of the following answer is NOT appropriate?A: Do you want me to bring something?B: _____

A. No, just bring yourself.
B. Why? You don't like my cooking?
C. OK, bring some dessert if you want.

粗集料应使用质地坚硬、耐久、洁净的( )

A. 碎石
B. 软石
C. 碎卵石
D. 卵石

初步配合比设计的( )三个参数,然后用体积法或质量法即可求出配制水泥混凝土所需的各材料质量。

A. 水灰比
B. 砂率
C. 单位用水量
D. 含泥量

加热施工式填缝料主要有( )等。

A. 氯丁橡胶类
B. 沥青玛蹄脂类
C. 聚氯乙烯胶泥类
D. 改性沥青类
