
The other method is known as the implicit or immersion method. The idea here is to learn much the way_____ do when they learn a ________________. That is, by being with native speakers and_________ the language that surrounds them, generally without a lot of __________.


Teachers may ________ these two methods into what Professor Michael Ullman calls immersion-style classroom teaching. But is that ____________ a better way to learn a language?

Mr. Ullman was the ________________ for the new study. He is a professor of neuroscience at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington. He says he was _________ to find that_________ the two methods might not help the brain inprocessingthe new language.


A. 血细胞比容
B. 红细胞计数
C. 血小板计数
D. 血清钾浓度
E. 血清转氨酶


A. 最适pH是6.4~6.8
B. 染料仅由酸性伊红和碱性亚甲蓝组成
C. 瑞氏染色现用现配:
D. pH偏碱,细胞染色偏红
E. 化学的亲和作用是细胞着色的主要原因
