浙江海宁观潮节,农历八月十八日观潮的习俗已沿袭千年,现已形成“一潮三看四景”的追潮旅游,即在( )看“双龙相扑碰头潮”,在( )看“江横白练一线潮”,在( )看“惊涛裂岸回头潮”,在夜间观看“月中齐鸣半夜潮”。
A. 大缺口;盐官;老盐仓
B. 盐官;大缺口;老盐仓
C. 老盐仓;盐官;大缺口
D. 老盐仓;大缺口;盐官
“九姓渔民水上婚俗”是久居浙江( )上的“九姓渔民”特有的风俗。
A. 瓯江
B. 灵江
C. 苕溪
D. 新安江
Farmers and scholars, statesmen and patriots who had traveled across the ocean to escape tyranny and persecution…
A. dictation
B. president
C. dictatorship
D. presidency
…the answer to the slavery question was already embedded within our Constitution…
A. lie
B. implant
C. find
D. ensure