A.wear clothes of cotton and eat vegetables
B.wear coarse clothes and eat simple food
他昨天擦破了皮, 现在到医院换药去了。
A.He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change medicine in the hospital.
B.He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change dressings in the hospital.
4.清华附中的小记者走出校门, 采访了76 位路人。这句话最恰当的译文是______
A group of teenage reporters from the middle school to Tsinghua University took a poll on the street on 76 passersby.
B. A group of little reporters from the middle school to Tsinghua University interviewed 76 passersby.
C. A group of young reporters from the middle school to Tsinghua University took a poll on the street on 76 passersby.
5.汉英文化意象的差异, 往往会构成翻译的主要障碍。例如, 汉英文化中对“狗”产生的意象就不同。
A. 正确
A. 在临床上,十二指肠溃疡较胃溃疡多见
B. 绝大多数病例病变位于胃和十二指肠
C. 男性发病多于女性
D. 童年及老年均罕见