A fire must be ventilated().
A. when using an indirect attack on the fire such as flooding with water
B. to prevent the gases of combustion from surrounding the firefighters
C. to minimize heat buildup in adjacent compartments
D. if compressed gas cylinders are stowed in the compartment on fire
A. 供油特性:压力箱的供油量不小于供油特性曲线所代表的标称供油量的90%
B. 电缆油击穿电压:大于等于50kV
C. 电缆油介质损耗因数:<0.005
D. 在油温100正负1℃和场强1MV/m的测试条件下测量
A. 改轴
B. 改轴+6
C. 强制变档
D. 牵引