
听力原文: Authorities in Brazil say they have completed slaughtering hundreds of cows in one of the country's key cattle states in a move to prevent the spread of hoof-and-mouth disease.
Police supervised the slaughter of more than 200 head of cattle in Rio Grande do Sul state Thursday. The carcasses were buried in large open pits.
Brazilian officials have expressed optimism that they have stemmed the spread of the highly contagious virus, which was discovered in 11 Brazilian cattle earlier this month.
The European Union, Chile and several Arab state., have suspended imports of beef from Rio Grande do Sul, which is responsible for nearly 10 percent of Brazil's beef exports.
The government says it plans to compensate the ranchers for their lost livestock.
Why were hundreds of cattle slaughtered in Brazil?

A. Because they have got the hoof-and-mouth disease.
Because they would be exported to Europe.
C. Because there was no food for them.
D. Not mentioned.


The American professor came to realize that he had underestimated the ________ of most of

A. magnitude
B. gradient
C. potential
D. firmness


A. 周说的是真话,是吴捐的。
B. 周说的是假话,是周捐的。
C. 吴说的是真话,是王捐的。
D. 郑说的是假话,是郑捐的。


A. 急性轻型细菌性痢疾
B. 急性普通型细菌性痢疾
C. 中毒型细菌性痢疾
D. 慢性细菌性痢疾急性发作
E. 慢性迁延型细菌性痢疾急性发作


A. 管道、阀门应严密可靠,与乙炔长期接触的部件其材质为含铜量不低于70%的铜合金
B. 人力破碎电石时,应穿戴好劳动防护用品;机械破碎电石,应采用除尘装置,并及时清除粉末状电石,且按规定采用电石入水法处理
C. 乙炔发生系统检修前必须采用惰性介质进行彻底置换,采样化验合格后方可进行检修
D. 浮筒式气柜应有与极限位置联锁的报警装置,并根据环境条件设置喷淋装置
