太极拳的阴阳哲学包含动与静,快与慢The yin yang philosophy_____of tai ji quan includes static ____, fast and slow
中国人认为动蕴含在静里,快蕴含在慢中Chinese believe that dynamic is ____ in ____, and fast is contained in slow
太极就是这两种能量的总和Tai chi is the ____ of these two____
太极拳的搏击原理是调动人体内在的能量流动既有速度又具备爆发力It’s fighting ____ is to ____ flows to achieve speed and power
体会生命,体会自然中动与静的真正原理在内心和身体上与自然保持和谐才是太极的最大用途The most important ____ of tai chi is to experience the theory of static and dynamicin nature and life and tune one’sheart and figure ____ nature.