
According to the author, under the two-party system, the two parties will ______ .

A. hold opposing stands in each and every issue
B. cooperate with each other to hold the power in their hands
C. insult each other in politics and in life
D. respect each other on an equal basis


听力原文:M: What are you doing after graduation?
W: I'm not sure. I may be a teacher, But I want to do more than just teaching, maybe practice law. How about you?
M: I don't have any plans yet. Things all change so quickly. I'd rather wait and see.
What is the man going to do after graduation?

A. He will become a teacher.
B. He will become a lawyer.
C. He will try a lot of jobs.
D. He has not decided yet.

听力原文:M: Janet, do you know anything about this author's latest best seller?
W: Sure. I've just read through it. I strongly recommend it. I have a copy at home. If you want to read the book, I will bring it tomorrow.
M: Oh, you're so kind. Thank you very much.
What are the man and woman talking about?

A. Fashion.
B. Music.
C. A film.
D. A book.


A. 甲公司在冬枣成熟的季节向乙公司发出收购冬枣的要约,乙公司3个月后作出承诺,乙公司的承诺不生效力
B. 丙公司向丁公司推销产品,丁公司将承诺购买的信件发出后,想取消承诺,丁公司用特快专递将取消承诺的通知寄给丙公司,取消承诺的通知和同意购买的信件同时到达丙公司,丁公司的承诺不生效力
C. 戊公司向己公司推销产品,己公司同意订购100件产品,要求戊公司送货,戊公司回复己公司100件产品的订单太小,公司不负责送货,戊公司的回复是对己公司的承诺
D. 庚公司用打电话方式向辛公司提出购买辛公司一套设备的要求,辛公司当即表示同意,打完电话后,辛公司工作人员发现公司接的订单太多,库房已经缺货,不能向庚公司提供设备,辛公司又打电话通知庚公司不能接受庚公司的订单,辛公司的行为是对承诺的撤销,承诺不生效力

设有如下的用户定义类型: Type Student number As String name As string age As Integer End Type 则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是______。

A. Student name="李明”
B. Dim s As Student s.name="李明"
C. Dim s As Type Student s.name="李明"
Dim s As Type s.name="李明"
