We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should _______ winning the game.
A. stand a chance of
B. give a chance of
C. go by chance
D. fight chance
Research on genes will _______ exciting new medical treatments.
A. close the door to
B. knock the door
C. open the door to
D. find the door to
Everyone of you has made a contribution and I _____ acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.
A. take account
B. take pleasure in
C. get chance
D. get pleasant
A. 四神丸加减
B. 保和丸加减
C. 参苓白术散加减
D. 葛根芩连汤加减
E. 藿香正气散加减
A. 温肾健脾,固涩止泻
B. 健脾益气,化湿止泻
C. 消食导滞
D. 清热利湿
E. 芳香化湿,疏表散寒