A. 行政合法性原则是指行政权的存在、行使必须依据法律,符合法律,不得与法律相抵触
B. 行政合法性原则要求行政机关进行行政管理时不仅应遵循宪法、法律,还应遵循行政法规、地方性法规、行政规章、自治条例和单行条例等
C. 合法仅指合乎实体法
D. 合法不仅指合乎实体法,也指合乎程序法
A. 制定城市规划
B. 围绕从建设工程的计划、用地到建设而展开
C. 执行行政检查
D. 实施行政处罚
How does the Eddleson building differ from other buildings?
A. It was built earlier than the other buildings.
B. It was built later than the other buildings.
C. Its style. is more traditional than other buildings.
D. Its style. is more modern than other buildings.
A. 违约责任是一种财产责任
B. 违约责任是合同当事人不履行债务所产生的责任
C. 违约责任具有相对性,违约责任只能在特定的当事人之间产生,合同关系以外的人不负违约责任
D. 违约责任是标的物所有权与价金互为对价的有偿合同