A. 分项工程由监理工程师或建设单位项目技术负责人组织验收
B. 由总监理工程师签署工程竣工报验单
C. 由项目监理机构对竣工资料及实物进行全面检查
D. 单位工程由分包单位施工时,总包单位对所分包的工程项目应按规定的程序检查评定,分包单位应派人参加;并且,分包单位将工程有关资料移交总包单位
E. 参加验收的各方对工程质量验收意见不一致时,由总监理工程师协调处理
A. caring
B. dealing
C. providing
D. treating
The best title for the passage is______.
A. Television and Radio
B. Radio and Its Uses
C. Radio and Radiotelephones
D. Modern Communication
A.thenB.forC.not becauseD.but
A. then
B. for
C. not because
D. but
According to the passage, television______.
A. has taken the place of radio
B. is no longer popular in the home
C. can be regarded as a kind of radio
D. has nothing in common with radio