
8. Sally would love to come to the party, but ________ she has to study tonight.

A. fortunately
B. suddenly
C. hopefully
D. unfortunately


9. We’re trying to ________ our daughter to take up a sport, as she isn’t very active.

A. choke
B. encourage
C. remark
D. shout

10. It’s so hot that I can hardly ________in here!

A. breathe
B. choke
C. blow
D. encourage

做简谐振动的物体,当它每次经过同一位置时,可能不同的物理量是( )

A. 位移
B. 速度
C. 动能
D. 恢复力

已知水平振动的弹簧振子, O是平衡位置,B和C分别是正、负最大位移处,不计摩擦,则下列说法不正确的是 ( )

A. 每次经过O点时的动能相同
B. 从B到O的过程中加速度数值不断增加
C. 从B到O的过程中速率不断增加
D. 从B到O的过程中速度与位移的方向相反
