A.Hedoesn’t like to receive visitors at work. B.He’S busy and has no timefor the visitor.
Not only __________ as a cooked dish all over the world, but also it is used in making liquor. A.eating rice B. rice is eaten C. people eat rice D. is rice eaten
A.Kate is going to go to night school next year. B.Kate is learning Japanesein night schOO1. C.Kate is a good typist. D.Kate and Jane are learningJapanese in night sch001.
This passage is mainly about_______. A.dietetics B.health education C.British DieteticAssociation D.dietitians
下列生活常识不正确的是()。 A.在青藏高原地区,水不用达到100℃就会沸腾 B.食品中的所有添加剂都是对人体有害的 C.著名绿茶龙井茶的产地是浙江 D.淡盐水洗水果有杀灭某些病菌的作用